
Price Comparison

At Hotelsnet.net, we are so confident that our hotel booking rates are matchless and the most competitive online. While we value your freedom of choice, we fully celebrate your options and hence provide you with the best comparison service you can find. Searching the entire best travel sites online including those of KAYAK, TRIVAGO, HOTELSCOMBINED all at a go – you can find the cheapest accommodation rates accessible on these portals; and further try to lower them.

Rarely – you may find a lower rate obtainable on one of our competitors’ sites; and while this may occur due to the hospitality industry’s rapid price vacillations, we usually will come up with an updated lesser price in a very short moment.

Comparing our pricing with those of other portals, ensure you carry out due diligence – considering the following:

  • The price you see now; is it really the closing price with regards to factoring in other fees and taxes? (v1.hotelsnet.net rates are final including taxes and other fees)
  • What about the cancellation policy? Is there a benefit for refund where needed? (majority of our deals that fall into such category are ‘refundable’)
  • What board type is available (breakfast, half-board, among others) for you? (Considering majority of our deals; breakfast is added)
  • What room type (single, double, among others) do you get?
  • How certain is the room availability? Will you be able to receive instant confirmation for reservation? (with us – you get available rooms with instant booking confirmation)
  • And all other applicable terms & conditions that may apply

While we strive to ensure customers get the best booking rates available, we would like to point out that we cannot vouch 100 percent for the accuracy or validity of the rates obtainable on competitors’ websites. In this context, we only act as a referrer! As a result, should you opt to book reservations via these competitors’ websites, we won’t be responsible for their lapses in any way.

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